Bhartiya History

Reexamining history from a Hindu perspective and exposing the colonial distortion of their Vedic heritage that fails to recognize the spiritual root of Indic civilization.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Resilient Heritage

In the beginning, it was hard for the English to preach their doctrines in India. Because India had a prosperous, evolved civilization, complete with a vast recorded history, a comprehensive system of philosophy, arts, science, and healthcare, and humane methods for disseminating this knowledge.

Because of India's rich culture and established doctrines, the European lifestyle, practices, and beliefs seemed abominable to the majority of India's occupants.

When the English colonized India, they paid historians and missionaries to alter the Indian educational system, including India's history. This new system was prescribed study for the innocent students in schools, colleges, and universities. This was necessary to keep England's rule intact. Thereafter, the artifacts of India's ancient civilization, and of course its enormous wealth, was sent to England by the ship load. After one hundred years of subjugation, due to the imposed decline of India's standard of living, western lifestyle became a popular aristocratic standard in India. This, in turn, has left a lasting impression on the history, archeology, linguistics, art, mathematics, philosophy, and sciences of India. The same can be said of all countries England once ruled. They are living a British lifestyle, and it seems that they will never regain their ancient heritage.

In our age, most of the world is using scientific instruments. And those whose lives can't proceed a day without scientific and technological tools, cannot remain uninfluenced by the theories and beliefs of their originators. When erroneous scientific theories, such as the Theory of Evolution, are accepted as the formula of life and civilization, then all that such science brings to mankind ends up more of a curse than a benediction. Because the bases behind them are wrong. Just like the discovery of atomic energy invented for the good of mankind has brought about the possibility of international destruction. The discovery of planes, trains, and cars, invented to improve man's efficiency and propagate the theory of he who has the most when he dies wins, brings the disaster of pollution and global warming. Pure air is becoming an increasing rarity day by day.

All of these are based on the Western theory of survival of the fittest. This is not only an illusory statement, but a dangerous one. Because of this belief, dictators like Hitler and Mussolini are able to rise to power and slaughter millions of people. Because of this belief, a certain tribe, caste, or nation, misconceives that they have the moral right and duty to destroy those who are weaker than they. The believer of this theory assumes that the world exists for his own pleasure and enjoyment. He does not hesitate to exploit others for his own selfish ends. Under such a belief system, humanitarianism, selfless help to others, sacrifice of pleasures for other's comfort, service, and unconditional love become brainless, weak, or naive acts.

Even logically speaking, survival of the fittest thinking is wrong. Humans are the most intelligent, evolved, and fittest class of beings, but the number of humans is less than the smallest species of insects. An amoebae is the lowest, tiniest creature, but its numbers are more than any other creature. Through deep consideration into this matter, Professor Geddis and Mr. Sidney Cholette have come to a new conclusion, referred to as the Theory of Gradual Devolution. And this is very close to the expositions of Indian history.

In regard to this theory, the Lovetrance race of India can provide surprisingly beneficial knowledge to the entire world. This knowledge can help explain mysteries of the universe and its creation. It will not serve as some dry, distant hypothesizing, but rather as an invaluable tool to modern man's personal, national, and international pursuit for peace and lasting happiness.


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